Herold - Solingen Yellow Leather Treatment Strop Paste
- For Leather Razor Strops
- Maintain a Soft and Supple Surface
- Use Light Applications
The Herold - Solingen Yellow Leather Treatment Strop Paste is perfect for keeping your leather razor strop soft and supple to ensure the best results. While it can be used on any leather strop, the Yellow Paste is ideal for both the "Juchtenleder" of the HS180J and the "Rindleder" of the HS152RI strops. Neither of these leathers are likely to need the Yellow paste immediately, but both will benefit from periodic light applications.
Q. Is this an abrasive strop paste?
A. No. This is a leather treatment paste. It is intended to keep the leather of your strop soft and supple. Pastes like the Herold - Solingen Red, Green or Red/Black Sticks contain abrasives and are used to make dedicated abrasive strops.
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